Greg helping Evan with his swing. Look at that view of the mountains!
The team waiting for their turn to bat.
The team cheer!
Caleb plays in an older league, but at the same fields after Evan. Greg's tying Caleb's shoe while he's on second base.
I don't know what we are going to do when Nate starts playing sports next year! We're going to be busy.
How fun! I have to say, I have many good memories of watching my brothers play baseball.
And so it all begins...the running around getting all the kids where they need to be all at the same time and sitting down to enjoy one thing...then off quick to the next! Whew! This is just the start of many summers sitting around at the ball park! That's great that Greg is coaching. I bet that makes it extra fun for your boys!
Thanks to Greg for coaching, he does a great job...see you tomorrow, will you bring Kaden's ball cap?
Hopefully it isn't too chilly.
That is a busy schedule to have two in t-ball and soccer going on at the same time. As you said, the craziness will only get worse, or crazier! Crazy can be good, I guess:)
HEATHER! I just found you on Kathy's blog.'s been forever! I remember when you were my VT and prego with your second. Your boys are so big now! My hubby Terrence and I live in Logan now, just going to school. Fun to see what you're up to these days.
I love going to see the little kids playing ball. We asked my boys if they wanted to play t-ball or soccer, and they chose soccer. Maybe next year I can convice them to do t-ball.
I loved Tee Ball this year! In the fall we should out the boys on the same team!
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