Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random Pics

Caleb was having "fun" while playing back defender at his soccer game.

On his way home at his last tee-ball game!

Evan eating his snack at his last tee-ball game.

Egg salad sandwich face...

Mother's Day at my parents house. They were so proud of their flowers. They pulled off the lilacs off of Grandma's lilac bush and planted them.

Primary activity. We were watching video of the kids wishing their mom's a happy Mother's Day. Caleb said, "I love my mom because she takes us to the park." Evan said, "Happy Mother's Day mommy, I love you!" And Nate said, "I like to go fishing." :) I'm not sure he understood what he was supposed to do.

Evan and Nate were swaying back and forth along with the sign at the store.

Caleb's science fair at school. He was demonstrating the Titanic and the iceberg.

At the park with Kaden.


johnandcourtney said...

Caleb's face is rounding the base is great! I love it.

Sara said...

I love that they picked all the lilacs off your moms bush and planted them. That is something my kids would do. When our tulips were in bloom I received a tulip as a gift from one of my children almost every day:) I'm sure your mom just loved her potted lilacs!

Kathy said...

I'm sorry for not calling that was totally rude. Do you have any fun plans for the summer.