Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Soaring Eagle Award

Caleb has done so well this year in first grade! He has loved his teacher and has improved in so many areas. We were shocked to find out at the first of the year that he was the worst behaving boy in his class. After some direction he changed his ways he has been much better. His teacher informed us recently that for the reading test he had only missed one word on the sixth grade level! He really does have his dad's brains.
His school passes out awards to those students who achieve certain requirements that are over and above what they normally should. I think that his was the only class that every student received an award. Luckily, I didn't have to do much since his teacher passed off most of the requirements in class.

Way to go Caleb!!! He's still in school for a couple more weeks...and then it's off to 2nd grade!


Nikki said...

Awesome! Congrats Caleb. That is something to be so proud of!

Kathy said...

Good job Caleb! Keep up the good work.

melissa said...

Great job, Caleb!

The Bliss Family said...

That's really cool! Good for you, Caleb!