Monday, July 13, 2009

Hail Storm in July???

We were so excited, after 3 years in our home, that we could finally get cement curbing in our yard. And it looked beautiful! I had to leave the house as soon as they were finished and I didn't worry about it while I was gone. But when I returned, I found a disaster...

And this was the culprit...

Just our luck!!!


the nayz said...

Oh man. That is terrible. Will they be able to fix it for you? Or do they use the "we are not liable for damage due to mother nature" clause?

The Oldroyd's said...

Oh I am sorry. That is too bad. Hope you can get it fixed.

melissa said...

I meant to ask you what happened with that. We'll talk at swim tomorrow. Bright and early.

Greg and Heather said...

we called to see what they could do, because it obviously wasn't their fault either. they re-did it at cost for us. so we did have to pay more, but for a lot less than the first time. it was nice of them to do that.

Greg and Heather said...

we called to see what they could do, because it obviously wasn't their fault either. they re-did it at cost for us. so we did have to pay more, but for a lot less than the first time. it was nice of them to do that.

Lindsay said...

Oh, that's so sad! How frustrating!

Taylor Family said...

That stupid storm was a major disaster!!! I am so sorry to hear about that!!!! The hail totally killed all are veggies in the garden and some of our flowers!!!! But today there was hope, we had a few snow peas on the plants!!! We will see what else comes back!!!

hollyw said...

That was quite the storm! I am glad that they were able to cut you a deal. We walked by the other day and it looks great!