Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The day finally came! Don't get me wrong. I love Evan and I'm sad to see him go on to school, but it was also a happy day. He has been asking about kindergarten for two years now (ever since Caleb went). And was he ready...I thought that he would want me to take him to school since I had taken Caleb last week on his first day, but he told me "Mom, I just want to go on the bus by myself to school."

Waiting for the bus.

And off he goes before I could get a good picture.

Just like Caleb, when we asked him what he did in school he said, "I forgot." After more questions, he finally told us that he loved it! He said that he was able to choose where he sat in class, so he was by his buddies, and he was able to go to P.E. and recess. I hope his attitude continues and that he'll always be excited to go to school.

It's only the beginning...much more school to come.


melissa said...

I was glad to see all the boys found each other on the bus. I saw them all trotting off together to find their teacher. Cute. Kaden said the same thing about not being able to ride home with Evan.

Kathy said...

Yay for Kindergarden. It's so bittersweet. I can't believe Evan is so big. He is such a handsome boy.

Paola said...

I can totally see him been the fun one in his class, his social personality and that little face are just too cute!

Lindsay said...

He is so cute! I'm glad he had a good first day!

Paola said...

All this years speaking English and I still struggle with when to use "been and being" embarrassing! LOL

The Oldroyd's said...

Oh that is so cute. That is neat that he liked it.

Duffin Family said...

I can't ever get any information out of Stella either. Good thing our kids are so excited for Kindergarten otherwise it would make this twice as hard!