We celebrated the weekend before his birthday with the Kitchen family at Grandma and Grandpa Kitchen's house.
Here's the boys with some of their cousins! They always have a great time together.
This pic was taken on Nate's birthday. He couldn't stand not opening a present before we had to go to Evan's soccer game and out to eat. Grandma Stone couldn't stand it either, so she let him open her present before we left.
After the soccer game he chose to go to McDonalds despite daddy's attempt to get him to go somewhere else. Greg even bribed him with a dollar! In the end all the boys really wanted to go to a "play place".
We're really mean and make our boys wait until the end to open presents!
We are so happy to have Nate as our son. He brings so much to our family. He says the funniest things and lots of the times has us laughing. He has had to learn to defend himself in any way he can since he's the smallest of the boys. Even if it means scratching, biting, or throwing a toy. We're working on that.
As many of you know, a little over two months ago we went through a terrifying experience when Nate choked on a grape. We are so grateful that we were blessed and that he is okay and still with us. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it and I'm even more appreciative of my boys than I ever was--if that's possible. Each day is a gift.
We love you Nate!
Nate is a sweetie and we wish him a happy belated birthday!
We are glad he had a fun birthday!
he is such a cute little boy!!!
I never realized that you went into labor WHILE Greg was in Utah and that he had to hurry and drive there. That is HORRIBLE!! I'm glad he made it on time and that Nate decided to wait. What a good boy! Happy Birthday Nate!
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