...We were in our coats and should have had snow boots, gloves and hats (Caleb was better prepared than I was with the other boys). It was cold. A couple of ladies--thanks Jill and Kelley--in our neighborhood had the fun idea of having a neighborhood flashlight egg hunt at a park nearby. Everyone that wanted to participate, donated filled eggs, dropped them off at their houses earlier in the day and they hid all the eggs around the park for the kids to hunt for. It was planned at 8:15pm (luckily it was spring break since it was on a week night) so it was nice and dark. The boys were extremely excited for it and had a great time despite the cold.
Evan being his crazy self.
Nate was SO excited that he found the "golden egg" (with daddy's help) so he could get a special prize. He was giggling and couldn't contain his excitement when they found it. He got a 3D sidewalk chalk and paint set and still tells everyone about the "golden egg".
This is probably the only picture you'll see of me and my pregnant belly. Luckily I wore a sweater under my coat because I couldn't zip up the coat with my big "belly" in the way.
That is a really fun idea! You are good sports for doing it in the cold weather! Heather, I think you look so pretty in that picture. You are one of those woman who have that cute pregnant look!
I was just thinking how good you look. I had no idea that you are pregnant. How far along are you?
That is such a FUN idea....i cannot believe all this snow we are getting! It does NOT seem like it should be Easter. And i agree you look GREAT Pregnant :)
I totally want to do that next year,so fun! You look very pretty!
I am so glad you had so much fun!!! I was glad everyone was such good sports about it and came and did it in the snow:) Hopefully it will be so much warmer next year!!! I am so glad he found the golden egg!!! You could tell how excited he was!!!! Yes I agree with everyone else...you look so cute pregnant!!!
Fun! I'm glad you all enjoyed it. The snow scared me off so I didn't go. Stupid snow.
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