He chose to go to Mountain Mike's Pizza for dinner that night. I think that he chose it because they have a few arcade games and an air hockey table. The pizza is really good too. I was a lazy mom and didn't make him a birthday cake, but he didn't complain when we stopped and got shakes at Ab's instead.
He decided to go to the store with us and choose his birthday present instead of having a surprise. He decided on a new bike and a Star Wars Lego set from Grandma. I didn't get a picture of him with his new bike...I know I'm a bad mom. He can still ride and fit on his old bike, but he wanted a new one. At least we have a couple more boys to use and abuse the bikes.
This was taken at Mountain Mike's.
The boys deciding where to use (waste) the last of their quarters with Greg.
My handsome trio together. They were having a great time together that day. That's not always the case...
Caleb has grown into such a thoughtful, smart and handsome boy. He can be really helpful around the house, but only when he wants to be. He is a great student in school and enjoys reading for fun. He is really good at creative writing, unlike his mom. He likes playing the PS3 and watching TV, but will be the first one to suggest going outside to play. He loves to ride bikes, go sledding, camping, fishing, or just about anything outside. We love you Caleb and are so grateful to have you as part of our family.
Oh SO handsome!!!
Happy Birthday Caleb! Love that pic of all three of your boys together...they are so cute!
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