Friday, June 11, 2010

Blake Stone Kitchen

It's a boy! We are so happy to announce that we have been blessed to have another healthy, adorable little boy join our family. I'll admit that I was hoping for a girl, but when they handed him to me, I was instantly in love. It was meant to be. The boys were openly disappointed when we told them and said, "Awww, another boy?" But just like me, they were instantly in love and want to hold him constantly.

Before baby.

Grandma Stone brought the boys to the hospital to meet their new baby brother.

Nate holding Blake for the first time.

Evan and Blake.

Caleb and Blake.

For some reason this pic wouldn't upload the right way. He looks a lot like Evan did as a baby, but Blake has darker hair.

I couldn't help but do a faux hawk with all of that hair.

Proud mommy.

I love the color of his hair.

In his new outfit for the ride home. We are so happy to have this new addition into our family. We love you Blake!


melissa said...

Oh little baby! so sweet. Congrats to you all for another beautiful boy to love and play with.

hollyw said...

Congratulations! He is so sweet!

Lindsay said...

He is so cute! Congrats!!!

the nayz said...

Congrats! He is adorable (love the faux hawk!)

Nikki said...

Yeah!!! Congrats! He is so adorable. I love his hair! Cute name too. Hey, now that you have another boy you need to go for a basketball team:) Ha! Can't wait to meet him.

Duffin Family said...

He's adoreable! Congratulations on your new little one. We're so happy for you guys!

The Oldroyd's said...

Congrats! He is so cute. I love his hair color too. (it almost looks like highlights) Love his name.

Jen said...

Hooray! Congratulations to your family! What a cute little guy he is.

Kathy said...

Blake! I love it! I'm so happy for you guys. I'd have wanted a girl too, but you have such cute boys it is just meant to be. So glad it all went well and that the boys aren't too disappointed. I love his going home outfit, too cute, and the hair! Adorable!

Connie said...

Congratulations to you guys! I'm so glad that all went well with the birth. Boys are great, you will just have to shoot for another baby and see if you can get a girl. ha ha ha... too soon? Blake is a very cute name! I wish you well! Take care!

Neika Boulter said...

I'm happy for you! such cute boys!! I've decided its easier to have all the same sex... rooms, clothes, toys...all girl for us! I love all my girls but wouldn't have complained about a boy!! congrats