Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nate's First Preschool Graduation

Nate was so excited for his preschool graduation. He reminded me each day leading up to it. It was a little date night for Nate and I. Greg had taken Caleb and Evan fishing for Caleb's cub scouts.

With his teacher Miss. Amy.

Preschool class '09-'10.

Nate with all of his graduation treats. He made the hat himself.

With his buddy Ronin.

We went to Ab's after for fries and a shake to celebrate. This is his goofy side coming out. He was still so excited about all of the attention. I love this little boy.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Heather, he has THE CUTEST smile ever! So darling. You can see the excitement in his eyes!