His first hand full of sand. I bet you can't guess what he did with it next? Yep. It went right in his mouth.
Trying to build sand castles in the cold.
First steps in the ocean.
Caleb's birthday wasn't for two days, but he wanted to go out for dinner anyway. We were excited that he chose The Cheesecake Factory, one of our favorites!
Nate had a pizza that was the size of this huge plate! Greg bet him $2 that he couldn't eat it all. He lost.
One side of the table.
And the other side of the table.
I SWEAR that Betty White was eating across the room from us. Greg wasn't as convinced. I couldn't get a good picture because it was too dark. This Cheesecake Factory was in Los Angeles...you never know! I wish that I were more brave and then I would've asked to have a picture taken with her. Oh well.
I was hoping to make it to the cheesecake factory in Cali too_but most of our dinners were fast food. Fun pics! We did Huntington beach also. It was freezing!
What hotel did you guys stay in? We went to the Cheesecake Factory one night too. It was a couple of blocks from the hotel.
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