Sunday, October 10, 2010

July 2010

Here are pictures of just a few of the things we did during the month of July this year. Because we have year round school, July is when summer officially begins for us. It was busy, busy, busy!

We also went to the lake to ride the wave runners several times, but I only took a couple of pictures. It must have something to do with having a new baby. They didn't make the cut on this post.

We went in with Greg's brother and our sister-in-law, and bought the boys this Yamaha 50 dirt bike. The boys have had a blast with it. This is Caleb with his cousin Tyler. Caleb and Evan now ride it without the training wheels. Nate's a little too short and can't quite touch, so he has to ride with them on.

We had a 4th of July party with Greg's family. Here are the boys with their cousins that were able to make it.

Once the fireworks began, they moved in closer for a better view.

Blakers with his cute little tie shirt that Grandma Stone gave him. He was only able to wear it a few times before he quickly grew out of it.

We (just me and the boys) went camping with Grandma and Grandpa Stone for one night. This was Blake's first camping trip.

Great Grandma Joy Kitchen came over for dinner and met Blake for the first time.

Nate's an awesome big brother. He takes good care of his baby brother and loves him so much. Blake cries in the car when Nate's not there to talk to him.

The boys and I spent a week at my parents house. This is a picture of them with cousin Sofia at the Spanish Fork Reservoir.

Blake relaxing at the park with mommy while his big brothers were off playing on the playground.

24th of July. These boys love fireworks. Well, except for Greg...they're too expensive. :)


Taylor Family said...

Your boys are so Cute!!!! Looks like you had a fun summer!! I am so bad about keeping my blog updated, Someday...atleast I have the pictures taken so someday I will put them on there:)

Sara said...

Good to see a blog update! I know it's hard with a newborn to get anything done:) Blake is ADOREABLE!!! His brothers seem to love him too!

melissa said...

We agree on the expensive fireworks! Blake is a cutie.

Duffin Family said...

Cute pictures! Your baby is adorable!