Thursday, April 28, 2011

January Random Pics

Blake wasn't sleeping well one night and helped me pack up the Christmas decorations. Luckily the ribbon kept him entertained for a while.

His first time in a highchair at a restaurant. He was so happy not to be in his car seat!

Blake and Nate. Blake's hat was a Christmas gift from my sister, Carol. I loved it and now it's lost. :(

We went grocery shopping at Macey's and he got his first balloon. It took him a while to figure out how to get it to come down so he could play with it.
Oh no! The fingerprints on the oven door look awful....just ignore them please!

They all had their head tilted the same way. Reminded me of Forrest Gump.

Caleb getting his bobcat award at a cub scout pack meeting. He didn't have a scout uniform at the time. It took us almost a year before we got him one. They are pricey!!!

The boys were off-track starting the last week in January. Greg took a day off to spend some time together as a family. We took them bowling for the first time.

They were as happy as could be after bowling.


The Oldroyd's said...

Fun pictures. Your baby is so dang cute. Love it all!

The Bliss Family said...

Cute pictures! I need to be better about blogging! It was fun to see what you guys are up to.