Evan learned a lot about caves in 1st grade and had been begging to go to the Timpanogos Cave for a while. We decided to go camping up American Fork canyon so we could take Evan to the cave. We left on a Thursday afternoon thinking that we would be able to get up there before the weekend rush. We were wrong! We planned on camping two nights and there was only one camping spot available for one night. It was crazy busy!
Our cave tour was scheduled for 7:30am the next morning. I'm not going to lie...I was really nervous about hiking up the trail and wondering if I was going to pass out and die before we even made it to the cave. It is a mile and a half hike and some of it is pretty steep with drop off cliffs on one side of the trail.
Here they are before we started. Such a cute picture.
This was the beginning and I thought that I could handle carrying Blake. I was wrong and quickly passed him on to Greg. I know, I'm a wimp.
This was an awesome view of Utah county out of the canyon. What a crappy picture.
I stayed back for a minute to take this picture of the whole clan in a line. It nearly killed me just to catch up to them afterwards.
This was one of the MANY "rest stops" we had to take. The kids were troopers and we really didn't hear many complaints. It helped that they had the cave to look forward to at the top.
In the cave FINALLY! Evan was telling us all kinds of facts on the way. He retains a lot more info in his brain than I ever could.
Blake did really well inside. I was nervous that he would get upset when they turned out the lights, but he didn't make a peep.
I said that we didn't hear many complaints on the way up, but the way down was a total different story! They complained constantly. It did seem to take a really long time. It always does on the way back doesn't it? This is another great view out of the canyon with all the kids lined up.
We had such a great time together! My mother-in-law, Debbie, was relieved and proud that she was able to make the hike. She should be proud of herself! It was a doozy! I was even proud of myself!
As soon as we were done, we had to pack up camp and head somewhere else for the next night. We ended up going to Whiting Campgroud up Mapleton canyon.
This started the rest of the day which ended up being one of the most challenging days of my life! Greg was interviewing for a new position at his current place of employment. Even though he already had the days off for our camping trip, he was asked to come in to interview during his vacation. I was NOT happy about it. Before we went to our next campsite, we decided to go all the way back home to drop off Greg and then I would drive to Mapleton with the boys on my own while he went to interview. Then he would meet us later on. It seemed like such a waste! Waste of time, money and vacation. I just dropped Greg off quickly and turned right back around to go back the way we came. Not even 10 minutes into our drive, I got stuck in construction and next thing I know my "tire pressure" light turns on. I pulled over, got out and watched one of our tires quickly loosing air until it was completely flat. Did I mention that I wasn't happy before? Well, I was really MAD now!!! I sat for almost an hour while calling our insurance and then a tow company to come and change the tire. The only good thing about the situation is that the boys were able to watch a movie on the DVD player without fighting (which is amazing!) and Blake was asleep the whole time.
The tow guy came and put on the spare tire and we were then on our way. We made it to the campground safely and had a great time there for the rest of the trip. I was nervous because the camp host told us that a bear had just walked through the campsite two days earlier. Okay, I was really nervous!
On a side note: Greg didn't even get the new position. Aaaaahhhhh! So frustrating!
Bart and I have been up there, but I don't believe we've ever gone as a family to Timpanogos. Good idea!
Shawn and the kids had so much fun! It was a good thing I stayed home, there is no way me and my pregnant belly could have made it to the top. It looks so beautiful up there!
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